Otagowano: jagannatha

Jagannatha Puri

Jagannatha Puri is approximately 60km from Orissa’s state capital, Bhubaneswar. It is considered by many Hindus to be one of the four holiest places (dhamas) and is particularly revered by Vaisnavas as the home...


Hare Krsna! Liebe Vaisnava-Devotees! Alle Ehren an Śrila Prabhupada, Guru und Gauranga! Breslauer Tempel (Polen) mit Nama-hatta-Gottgeweihtern bereitet sich seit ein paar Monaten zu dem außergewöhnlichen Festival in der Geschichte unserer Vaisnava-Gesellschaft zu, und...


Hare Krsna! Dear devotees. Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Śrila Prabhupadzie, Guru and Gauranga! Wroclaw temple along with Nama Hatta devotees since a few months have been preparing a special Festival...